Isn’t it strangely weird?….that during 3 months of travelling through 11 countries, the absolute ONLY time I woke up, looked around and asked myself ‘Where am I?’ was my first morning at home? I think that’s weird.

I could have stayed travelling, that’s it. I was so comfortable in that realm. Of course, having had my family come and visit me overseas was what really made it easy not to miss daily life. The big trip had so many facets – pleasure at seeing new places, culture, art, music, meeting new people. Staying positive was a major focus. Getting past fears and manifesting my dreams. Putting aside others’ projections (You’re married? Why are you travelling alone? Will you be safe? Europe is too expensive.) Exploring new territory……grand. Now it’s over, and I’ve been reflecting a lot on it’s impact.

The blog – it has made me discover writing. I am now addicted and must continue in some form as it has become a rich source of creative enjoyment for myself, and I hope for some of you too. I’m settled in here, typing away at the beach, gazing out at the snow capped mountains across the sandy bay. The tide is out, the sea is shades of turquoise, teal and sparkle….under the Island sun. Home.

My teeny computer friend…….I have so appreciated her. She’ll hold her charge for 5 hours, far outlasting me. I know she’s not technically alive like a person is, but really, she can be a very good substitute at times. She’s escorted me through one of my biggest life journeys and we both made it back whole (though I locked her to my belt loop at times in crowded cafes to make sure she wouldn’t go wanderin’ off with some quick fisted guy….and I got laughed at for it too). I like to dress her up in her padded, tight-fitting, zippered outfit, accessorized with stickers the likes of ‘Couchsurfing’. She travels with me and when she can’t (for sake of going weightless), I must resort to pencil and paper, and then still I’ll go over everything with her again when I return home. I fill her up with my perpetual chatter, and it saves my husband from having to listen to me more than he’s able, which could bode very well for our relationship. Teeny babe, thank you.

It was nice to land in BC. I love Vancouver. I know that I tend to travel under a lucky star, and so usually when I pass through Van, it’s all sunny, blue sky over sea, white topped mountains, and beauty. Crossing the Lions Gate Bridge, I get a surge of pleasure at the vistas therefrom. Horseshoe Bay is even more splendid. Rugged coastline plunging into the deep blue, with forested shoreline surrounding a harbour of watercraft just waiting to embark on another day of ocean adventure. Smell of the salt sea in the air, drift of the barge lines, call of the shore birds, and swoop of an eagle. It all adds up to bliss for me, and I savored it all the way across the Salish Sea (newly renamed to honor it’s old aboriginal name) to Vancouver Island and homeward. Coming back to Canada in spring sunshine was a good plan on my part don’t you think?….it couldn’t have worked out better.

The pleasures of home are not to be replaced. Friends and family….and community are all so welcoming and wonderful to connect with anew. Just being in my little house in the woods again, and seeing the garden growing is a treat. Asparagus tastes fresh and nutty eaten raw straight off the stock, fluffy young fennel is sweet and pungent, kale flowers blow yellow in the breeze, the crab apple and orchard are in full, fragrant bloom, and the salmon berries hang ripe for the picking. Cooking, an outlet of the sweetest and most rewarding sensuality….I haven’t partaken in much of it for a good while, so it’s nice to return to. Presenting meals to guests and family, home prepared with love, served up with a nice brew or wine …there is just no other daily communal pleasure better. BTW, did you know that the statistics are showing conclusively that valuing family time produces longer life span. So too with friendships. And so too does moderate drinking, 1 or 2 drinks per day, over abstinence. 

Now there could be many reasons for the latter: relaxation caused by alcohol breeds pleasurable feelings, brings out creativity, connects people through the heart, and evaporates stress; those who drink may be those who are prone to taking life a little less seriously in the first place; some of those who abstain may unfortunately have had a problem with moderation in the past and thereby compromised their health; since alcohol is a socially acceptable way to enjoy each others company, perhaps it contributes to a greater sense of belonging, which is also a big health promoter. And speaking of health promoters, another really great thing about being back home for me is mountain biking. Oh how I love our trails here on the Island. Road biking in the narrow winding alleys of Rome, on the Aran Islands in Ireland, and through Kensington Gardens in London was great….and still I missed the cool, fresh, silent forest rides I go on here, with their heart enriching uphills and their swervy, curvy, banked downhills….. through green groves of the deepest beauty…..bringing solace to the soul, oh yeah!

So……. I’ve been doing a bit of figuring. I had 11 weeks in Europe, and I visited 11 countries, in order: Switzerland, Germany, Spain, Portugal, Italy, France, Belgium, Netherlands, England, Scotland, and Ireland. I spent 80 days abroad, and 40 of them were nights spent with friends, and Couchsurfing, or at the course I volunteered at in Spain. Very pleasurable to be with all those people and to make new connections as well. So much inspiration and aliveness. Very affordable too, since those 40 nights were free….thanks to the generosity of many people. I spent less than half a typical month’s rent in Vancouver on accommodation during my solo 6 weeks in Europe. I could do it again at that price. My family came to visit me for the other 5 weeks and that was a time of renting apartments and taking small hotels, very nice really, obviously more costly, yet utterly worthwhile.

I took 6 inter-European flights, and let me tell you, there are some good things to know about those airlines. They are very good at offering cheap travel, and it’s changed the face of Europe really. For example, our few nights pubbing in Dublin saw us sharing tables and meeting weekend warriors from Spain, USA, Netherlands, Germany and Sweden. So easy for them to fly over on Easyjet, Ryan Air or Aer Lingus. There are any number of stag and hen parties. You see them at the airport with their 4 leaf clover headdresses, or their sexy pirate attire, or their leprechaun top hats….having a literal ball. A one hour train ride out of Dublin to go for a day hike had us making friends with a couple from Australia, a pair of women from South Africa, a Swiss fellow, and only one local family. On the return ride we hooked up with a gang from Czech Republic, and now we have a place to stay in Prague and they in BC. What fun to be so cosmopolitan. In fact, it was pretty much like that all over Europe; they fly around a lot, cause it’s generally more economical than the train or even the bus. (The train, by the way, MUST be booked in advance online if you want the lowest fare; it goes up drastically at the station).

So, the deal with those airlines is this: book as early as you can, and make sure you have the EXACT size, or smaller, of carry-on baggage that they give the dimensions of in the fine print on the website, and NO PURSE (otherwise it costs quite a bit extra for checked bags). Use ONLY the website of the particular airline you want, (or risk being scammed) and RELAX while booking because it may take you one and a half hours to get through the process. The websites do not necessarily spend the money to be updated and ensure clarity, they time out often and you must navigate through a lot of advertising to finish off. But it is worth it, as you can fly from London to say, Madrid, Prague, or Athens, for less than filling up your car’s gastank. That’s an unbeatable deal.

I spent most of my budget on transportation to and through all those countries, which I consider quite understandable since I covered so much distance in a short time. One could spend a lot less by staying in just a few countries. As far as expenses for food, pleasure, entertainment and shopping went….well, I think I spent no more than I would have living at home. What I spent extra at restaurants was gifted back to me in home-made meals. What I spent extra at museums and sites, I saved on not attending all my regular yoga and Pilates classes. Toting only a small backpack ensures a minimum of shopping sprees and a maximum of window shopping… that’s a bargain. Let’s face it, we spend abroad in a similar fashion to how we spend at home.

So, there you go, one can travel and not blow a fortune these days as long as one plans well and trusts in the divine LAW of the universe which makes it so that….if you put out good energy, you will get good energy back. That’s the way it works….and it does. Being positive 24/7 reaps huge rewards. Letting go of attachment to things turning out a certain way is easier when you’re open to adventure, and are relaxed with your time. As I always have known, people are good. They are born good, and they want to do good. Under a covering of trauma, they may get confused for awhile, but they are generally good. They are generous, kind, helpful, and tell funny jokes. They make beautiful and interesting works of art, create amazing music, cook luscious food, and show remarkable talent in all areas of culture. Nature is good, abundantly good. Nature grows itself into more of the same beauty, or even better. It’s endless. Life always works out well. Everything is perfectly OK….let’s let ourselves be reminded of that….often.

And did you know that it takes approximately 3 months to develop a new habit? Well, guess what? I got in the habit of seeing the good in all things and circumstances, and let me tell you, that is a very handy habit to keep. Complaint, criticism, blame, victimization, pessimism……throw them to the wind. Of course, it’s much easier to do on vacation, especially if it’s your first extensive time away after full time parenting for 25 years. My Mom said that she noticed from my blog that everything went well on my trip, and that I didn’t speak of anything going awry. Well, it was just that way. Sure, the weather in Europe this spring wasn’t the greatest, but as one person remarked, ‘weather is an attitude’. And sleeping on a couch may not be your first choice of bedding arrangement, but it was fine with me ’cause the adventure kept me high, and high attitude begets comfort…that’s a fact.

There were other good habits I established too. …like leaving myself enough time to get places so I won’t have to RUSH (rushing is a serious stress causer!), or If I’m late, just relaxing, finding humour, and remembering not to sweat the small stuff. Most enchanting of all though is that I am now in the habit of waking up in the morning with exhilaration and a sense of wonder within, and a purpose without. Joie de vivre. It’s been refreshed. I’ve always valued this, since my days of being a child growing up in Winnipeg, especially in spring, with the snow melt……. I just couldn’t wait to hop out of bed and onto my bicycle and go for a spin. It’s good to have a reason to get up in the morning……and with zest. Enthusiasm for the new day and “each of us going on… in our inexplicable ways… building the universe” (from Mary Oliver poem). Purpose, goals, having a place in one’s community, offering something to others to enrich life… works out well. 

So, now I’m adjusting to family life and responsibilities, and sameness, and daily chores, and I’m keeping my sights firmly focused on more writing, more sharing of laughter with anyone nearby, more stepping the light fantastic in the face of challenge, and more on-going passion for life in all it’s glory. Glory, it’s just waiting for us to find it….and we will.

I’ll let you all know if I start a new blog about some other wonderful pursuit, or experience, or interest. Until then….keep smiling….it makes you think you’re happy. Laugh out loud, it tricks your body into thinking everything is OK. It also sends serotonin and other ‘up’ hormones to your brain/body, and that increases your joy……(and besides, we all know that happiness is not caused by what we have or do, it’s caused by what we think)……..and therefore you create happiness around you….in all directions…..fanning out like the wings on a Monarch butterfly and touching lightly down upon other beings of great beauty….and therefore you are, for all intents and purposes….happy.

Love you, Jill